PW #6 Managing Time and Life

As the second month of the year approaches, I reflect on the hard work we have all done as a class and how much we have all grown as individuals. Besides completing the massive amount of summatives, exams, and so on, we have all grown in ways different from one another. I have been able to grow alongside my self-management skills following the retirement back home of a classmate from term one to Brazil. Despite the five-hour difference in time zones, I have been able to continue having contact by ensuring all my tasks for the day have been completed ahead of time before calling or texting this person. This has been a huge change for me, however, surprisingly it has gone very well so far.  Besides a few late submissions, I have been able to keep updated with all my classes which may seem unimpressive to most, however, on top of two sports, learning a third language, ASA’s, and being able to still have a healthy social life I am very proud of the work I have done. I am proud of everyone in our class who has been able to do so as well, and I hope we will all continue to be able to practice such skills going into the IB diploma program next year.

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