PW #1 – My first month in Canada

Yesterday marked the end of my first month here at Brookes and I can confidently say that these past four weeks have been a rollercoaster of emotions and feelings for me. From the overwhelming feeling of homesickness and longing to go back home during the first few days, to the nervousness and excitement of the first week, to the constant feeling of happiness and joy.

I am happy because I’m able to fulfill my childhood dream of living in a foreign country during my teenage years. I am happy because I get to make unforgettable memories. I am happy because I get to meet amazing people from all over the world and form lifelong connections. I am happy because I’m stepping out of my comfort zone every day and challenging myself to grow and thrive towards becoming a better person.

Trips to downtown Victoria, visiting the sunflower fields, joining the volleyball team and playing my first game, going on walks in the forest, camping trips, going to the fair; these are just a few of the unforgettable memories I have made during my first month here. But even the simple things which I wouldn’t have considered as special back home, are memorable for me: constantly being surrounded by my friends and spending every waking minute together  (which I would’ve considered as quite tiring before coming here), visiting Walmart for the first time, walking through ‘the typical Canadian’ suburbs  (it’s just like in the movies), trying my first corndog and caramel apple, running to ‘save-on foods’ after school, just to name a few. Living here sometimes still feels so surreal to me.

I can confidently say that these past four weeks have been everything I have dreamt of and more, and it would be an understatement to say that I can’t wait for the rest of the year!



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