PW #1

I am going to write about my friend because she’s making me. Her name is Anna. She’s blonde and very pretty and she has to wear glasses because she’s blind. Anna is like the sweetest person I have ever met and she’s begun to be very special and close to me but probably because I am with her 24/7 because she’s in the dorms as well. She’s on the volleyball team and I do not know any of her other hobbies. If I had to describe her in a way of objects or brands. She’d be a vanilla candle, cinnamon and brandy Melville obviously. And she is like really boy crazy about a boy who she has not had one word with in her whole life, but you know other than that she’s pretty chill and I’d pick her in a room of other friends and whatever. She swears a lot and does pretty weird stuff but at the end of the day she’s chill. kinda. When I come back to the dorms from the weekend, Anna is one of the main things I am excited to see when back in the dorms. And when I am bored, I just go to her room because she’s very entertaining. Thats all I can think of right now.

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