PR#02 – Brave New World, Aldous Huxley

Reading Brave New World by Aldous Huxley was a strange and thought-provoking experience. On the surface, it has elements of a love story-Lenina and John’s connection could’ve been romantic- but it’s clear their relationship was never really about love in the traditional sense. Lenina, conditioned by the World State, doesn’t truly understand love or individuality, while John, raised outside of it, sees love as something more profound and sacred. Their clashing worldviews made their “relationship” feel more like a tragic misunderstanding than a genuine romance.

The Shakespeare references, especially John’s constant quoting near the end, added so much depth to the story. The Tempest‘s “brave new world” quote perfectly captures the irony of the society-what seems like utopia is actually a nightmare. Shakespeare’s works are filled with themes of love, tragedy, and human complexity, which are absent in the sterile, controlled society of the World State. John’s obsession with Shakespeare felt like his desperate attempt to hold on to a world that valued passion and individuality, but it also made him painfully incompatible with Lenina and the society around him.

In the end, the story left me wondering if true love and deep emotion can exist in a world that prioritizes stability and conformity over humanity. Brave New World is both chilling and heartbreakingly relevant even if I didn’t enjoy it as much as I wished, not exactly being my cup of tea.

Author: Eva

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