When I was in middle school I would always have some of the high schoolers tell me that the were reading and watching Romeo and Juliet and how it was such a good romance story. I knew that this year was gonna be the year where it would be my turn to watch and read the famous story of Romeo and Juliet. After watching the movie I realized, Romeo and Juliet is, in fact, a terrible romance movie. Their relationship is extremely rushed, and extremely unrealistic, and has more to do with passion than love. As soon as Romeo sets eyes on Juliet he falls in “love” with her although just seconds before meeting Juliet, Romeo was extremely heartbroken over another female, Rosaline, which only shows that he was in love with the idea of being in love than with Juliet herself.
The story also makes us understand and learn about the dangers of hatred and division. The fight between the Montagues and Capulets causes extremely unnecessary pain and suffering, proving and showing how holding grudges and violence can destroy and break families and lives. This theme is still meaningful today, as some conflicts whether it being between individuals, groups, or even some nations can have extremely negative effects.
More interestingly, the play Romeo and Juliet has become one of the most important stories because it teaches never ending lessons relating to love, conflict, and human character. From impetuous actions to hatred and the complexity of fate, it addresses many consequences, and proving to be extremely relevant for all ages.
In conclusion, the play of Romeo and Juliet hold an importance in terms of teaching timeless lessons concerning love, war, and mankind. Impulsive actions pursue those of hate, and these are the cleverest complications concerning fate. it is extremely useful for people from any generation. Although I didnt find the story as something I imagined I still enjoy and recommend it to anyone.