Brave New World By Aldous Huxley, is an “intriguing” book, to say the least, and this is not in a good way. Personally, I did not enjoy brave new world. I felt like it went overboard in the overall themes of sex, and this made the author seem controversial and “strange”. Starting off, this book went “overboard” with the ideas of sex, The whole point of the book right from the get-go was that it took place in a society where sexual thoughts and sex in general were frowned upon, considered bad, and reproduction was automated. But throughout the book we see several moments that disprove this, For example, early on in the book, we hear some people say that nurse Linda is “charming”, in a sexual way. Yet this should never have happened due to the whole idea that sexual thoughts and ideas are considered bad. This pattern is seen consistently throughout the book. This makes the reader think that Aldous Huxley is a man with consistent “sexual urges” that cant seem to control them in his writing. To add on to this pattern of going overboard with sex in the story, at one moment, the author visualizes children “playing with each other”, in a sexual way. This is a detail that none of us needed to see, and makes us think that the author may be rather controversial. I don’t know if this has changed in the “future” of this story, but I don’t think children are usually able to feel sexual pleasure until they are 10 at minimum, and in this story it is suggested they are much younger than 10. I will leave it up to the reader of this personal response to take away from that what they can. In my opinion, this book would have been more enjoyable if the author included less sexual themes, but didn’t omit them fully from the story. I think the saying: “Less is more”, is something that the author could’ve taken into account, and I believe it would’ve drastically improved his book.
Overall, I did not enjoy this book, and it could have been better if Aldous Huxley included less “sexual” themes, because this work of literature made by him makes Huxley seem like a man who cant control his sexual urges.