PR to “Brave New World”

Brave New World written by Aldous Huxley, provoked controversial thoughts within me. Standing at one side, I liked the book for its futuristic palette including the Greek alphabet to characterize humans (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon). But on the other hand, I really despised the constant sex throughout the book. it was a bit much, although I understand that sex throughout movies, shows, books, and games, can be used to show a strengthened relationship, this just seemed overused and I really hated it, especially the children in chapter three learning about it and running around naked. I can never get that out of my head. I would be fine reading a book that had hints of it and light sprinkles of intimacy but having a book revolving around sex seems overwhelming. Apart from all this, I liked the format of everything about the book. The way Aldous Huxley changed the year from ACE (After Common Era), to AF (After Ford) really shows his growth in imagination. His indifferent idea of happiness also reflects on his wide imagination, instead of superpowers or being a kid getting whatever you want, he drifted towards something a little more… personal. The book really struck the thought of what the future could be like as well. Technically, Aldous Huxley did write about a Utopia with happiness through physical intimacy, and it strikes the thought, what if the government actually allowed this? Would Huxley be right or would this provoke other dangers within a couple? Mainly what scares me is the control others would have over us, people in power would literally have the control to manufacture humans as they like, and if one of them decides to sabotage it, the world goes to hell. A BIG thing that I think about though is truly, is this a utopia or a dystopia? Because the only reason for it being a utopia is the pleasures of society, literally, but it could be characterized as a dystopia due to the separation of old and new society, freedom, and some old knowledge is suppressed to keep order, and soma is used to basically stop you from having an intimate relationship with someone (some might call it mind-control or something). Overall I would say that this book is like a 5-10, I like the format of society, and the intense thoughts it can heighten about the world today, BUT, the repetitive mention and acts of physical intimacy is really irritating.

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