In the book “Brave New World” (by Aldous Huxley), we are introduced to a concept/theoretical future society, which brings up many questions and feelings along the way, for example, the feeling of unease, especially towards the end of the book. I have personally got this feeling because at the end of the book the “Savage” breaks the laws of this society; Everybody lives without knowing what pain, reality, or freedom is (at least not in its full extent) and when the news spread to London about the Savage I was even afraid that he was going to be captured, held in some sort of institution and forcefully treated so that he would forget about his wills (drugged). Along with the feeling of unease came the feeling of empathy, as the people didn’t understand the full concept of reality, they came to his house on the hill, bothering him, and leading him to commit suicide in his home; that last part especially gave me chills as not only was I not expecting him to commit suicide, but I thought he was going to move to another place, so seeing him do that to himself was rather disturbing. Going back to the beginning of the book, I was disgusted at society’s standards, but also I was pretty interested in the structure of the aforementioned society and how it worked on the inside. To avoid a society like this I believe it is right for us to balance our life between controlled and democratic governments; this means that while the people have power and may always vote out/ kick out the Leaders who become to controlling, and make sure that the government always supports their ideas, but it is also important for us to understand that the labour that the lower classes did may be done by robots, meaning we may have a good society – with all of the freedom and will – while being modern and efficient. Moving forward, I have personally had a couple of questions circle my mind throughout this book, for example; Why are all of the main characters named with russian names or names that correlate to russian people? (for example: Lenina, Bernard Marx), how did society become like this? Why was the use of drugs condoned and perhaps even encouraged by the government? This book turned out to be a roller coaster of feelings for me as I believe it not only proposes insane ideas, however it also plays out a whole melo-drama at the end which was sad to read about. I want to say that although the book had some disgusting moments its overall motive was understood by me and it makes sense on how it is relevant to us today; that is just one example of a modern world, and who knows if the future will be worse.