IRJE#5 – The Autobiography of Martin Luther King

The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr edited (and partially? written) by Clayborne Carson, is a book that focuses on various periods of King’s life. This book is more than half King’s own words, as the author has tried to keep the book mostly written by King’s own words via his books, letters, etc.

“I realized that there would be difficulties. Whenever you have a transition, whenever you are moving from one system to another there will be definite difficulties, but I thought that there was enough brainpower, enough determination, enough courage and faith to meet the difficulties as they developed.” (pg. 115)

I like this quote because Martin Luther King Jr is a man I always (and still do) look up to. He was so willing to fight, to step forward despite the risks and consequences, to put in his self not knowing how it would be received. This quote really gives lots of power to your soul if you read it the right way, if you hold onto it with nice hands, and if you can find it in yourself to feel it. Really feel it. Because, it’s true, there will always be difficulties, no matter who you are, no matter where you are, there are no exceptions. You have to keep moving, but finding the will to keep moving is what’s worth it, what’s important.

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