The book that I just finished reading was called After. This book is a romance novel and as well as a movie. I first watched the movies a year or two ago and I loved them, I never enjoyed reading but this year I started to read more and more and I actually enjoy it a lot. Most people say to read the book before you watch the movie but for me I like to do the opposite. When I was looking for books to read I remembered when I watched the movie After and I knew which book was it I would like to read. The quote I chose from this book is.
“its you. You’re the person that I love most in the world”
“This isn’t part of your sick game is it?”
“No, Tessa. Im done with the games. I just want you. I want to be with you, in a real relationship. you’ll have to teach me what the hell that even means, of course. I want to be the one to make you laugh, not cry.”P370
I chose this quote because it means that he is willing to try something for the person he loves and he’s willing to give his heart to someone and trust someone when his past has been horrible and where he learned never to trust someone.