The Litigators, by John Grisham. This book is a legal thriller that focuses on 31-year-old David Zinc, a lawyer at a high-stress corporate job who quits his job for employment at a small, dubious law firm called Finley & Figg in Chicago. The book is based around a large class-action lawsuit against Varrick Labs who has developed a cholesterol-reducing drug. However, with further research into the drug, it became known that it was a propellant for heart-attacks in individuals who may take the drug.
“How about your father?”
“Died three years ago.”
“Sorry, Krayoxx, perhaps?”
“No, colon cancer.”
“Brothers, sisters?”
“One brother who lives in Peru. He will not be involved in any of this.” (p. 129)
In this quotation, we see David and Wally continuing their investigation on the infamous drug known as Krayoxx. Currently, David is inferring with Wally as to how his father passed away, and the cause is slowly but surely starting to directly link to Krayoxx. The two characters finally decide to sit down at a restaraunt and work out what’s going on.