IRJE #1 – Black boy – Richard wright

In black boy Richard wright describes his life history, since he was a little kid to get to become a full grow adult, sharing diverse histories about his life development and experiences that show how was the life of a black boy in the 1900s. The quote I chose has the context about it show because the main character has an uncle that goes to work in his saloon during late hours each day to support his family.

“One morning I awakened to learn that Uncle Hoskins had not come home from the salon. Aunt Maggie fretted and worried. She wanted to visit the salon, but Uncle Hoskins had forbidden her to come to the place.”

That quote got me thinking because i know that after that incident they discover that uncle Hoskins is actually dead by a bullet shot from a white man, what got me reflecting that Hoskins actually knew that the could get killed there and that if his wife go there she would get killed also, and anyways going to the salon knowing that he was in danger.

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