PR- Brave New World

Reading Brave New World by Aldous Huxley was an interesting experience for me. There were parts of the book that I found very interesting, while other parts were just too weird to fully understand. On one hand, the world Huxley creates is fascinating, the thought of a society where everyone is happy all the time and there’s no war or poverty seems almost ideal as it is what we look for in everyday life which is peace, and using technology to ensure everyone feels happy and safe is a thing that some people might even wish for today and the future. The “soma” drug that keeps people relaxed and happy, made me think about how modern society uses social media for entertainment, I guess in a way it reflects something about our world. On the other hand, some parts made me uncomfortable. The fact that people are created in labs and have no real family relationships felt unnatural, there’s no emotional connection between people which makes people seem sad and in a way isolated. The idea of everyone being controlled by the government, with no freedom to make personal choices made me wonder a lot about our laws and freedoms today. In the end, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley made me reflect and think about freedom and control.