IRJE #1- “The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others”

The book “Tuesdays with Morrie” was written by Mitch Albom, a Free Press sportswriter who’s career took a turn when he (after 16 years) reunited with his old and sick college professor; Morrie. In the book, Mitch describes his beautiful relationship with his professor and shares everything he learned on his weekly visits with him. In the majority of the book, we get to see how Morrie thinks of death and we read about the lessons Morrie gave Mitch about life. Even thought I think of all of the lessons as important, the one I most cherish is this one;

So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they’re busy doing things they think are important. This is because they’re chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.(p.43)

Because I am a teenager and still have not quite decide what to do with my life, I found this message really help-full. I think It really relates with me because it makes me think about what’s truly important in life. It reminds me to focus in my relationships and things Im really interested about. As I try to figure out what I enjoy, I’d like to remember this message  so I can found my passion and not “walk around with a meaningless life”.

WWI Personal Responds

Reading All Quiet On The Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque and the excerpts from Herbert, Chevalier, Barthas, and West from the WWI Readings, was an experience that open my mind to the harsh realities that the soldiers faced during the war. I personally never had read about WW1 or even really learned about it, so the book/excerpts were really interesting to me.

In the book All Quiet On the Western Front, we follow the narrator,Paul Baümar, a 17 year old, who with a group of friends enlisted in the army, were his morals and ideals were soon to be crushed by the brutal realities of war. As we read the book, Paul describes the terrible conditions the soldiers had to live in. Because the author of the book was in fact a former soldier who fought in this war, we get a realistic, overwhelming and detailed descriptions of the horrible thing the soldiers had to face. As well as the book, the excerpts were written by soldiers who faugh in the war for different countrys.

What most shocked me in this readings was the ignorance of the people towards the concept of war. To me, war was always though as a bad, witch is why I thought back then, people also thought of war as negative. However as I was reading, both in the book and the excerpts the narrators describe how the new soldiers, cooks ,nurses or the civilians back in the towns or cities view the war as an exciting adventure. Another thing I also noticed was the loss of innocence the soldier had. As time passed and the Soldiers fought, their dreams and hopes started to get slowly crushed until their only dream was to survive.

Even though I enjoyed reading both the book and the excerpts, I mostly preferred the book.This because the book was easier to read and had a more of an engaging story line.

In conclusion, the readings teached me alot about WW1.The character feelings and experiences helped me understand what war is really like.Reading them made me understand and sympathize with the personal stories of soldiers making their sacrifices feel more real and significant to me.

PW#01 – My Day at the Fair

This weekend I went to the fair and it was really fun!

I had planned this with my friends for almost a week now. Saturday morning  I went shopping to Mayfair with Emma,Ely and Olivia for some things we needed. It took us more than expected so we had to take another bus. We arrived to school only 30 minutes before we had to leave fore the fair so we quickly ran to our rooms and changed. It was hard but we all managed to be ready in time.

We took a bus, and shortly after we were finally at the fair. As soon as we arrived a wave of cotton candy and popcorn scent hit us. There I could finally relax. We started walking towards some friends who were already there. First we went to an attraction call the zipper witch made you flip in every direction.

As we were making the line I was still debating If I should go, it looked too scary, I could hear the other kids screaming their lungs out. Finally it was our turn, I really wanted to run the other way but for some I just went for it. I was really nervous but at the end, Im really glad I did it because even if in the moment I was really scared now its a memory I laugh about. After that we went for some food and we came across a temporary tattoo stand. Emma, Ely and I went to take a look and ended up with some sparkling  matching cherry’s tattoo.

After that I didn’t go much more attractions, I mostly hold the bags, food and drinks while my friend went.  Some time after we took a small break because we were all cold and hungry, there we noticed it was already night-time. We went for some donuts and took a lot of photos in the process. Finally we went to our last attraction witch was the ferris wheel. I liked it because it was slow, but we couldn’t really se anything in the dark sky. When the ride finished it was time to go so we all reunited at the exit and walk to the bus stop.

Introducing Me

Hi everyone, my name is Roberta and im currently 15 years old.

I was born and lived all my life in Guadalajara (México). I live with my Parents, my older brother and my dog. My brother and I have a five year age gap but we still get along pretty well. My dog’s name is Wera, which means blonde in spanish. We rescued her about 6 years ago when she was in the streets, since then she has been my most loyal friend.

Since I was little I’ve always been into sports. I’m currently on the school’s volleyball team but back home I used to play soccer, tennis and did motocross. When I have free time what I most enjoy to do is watch a movie or series on Netflix, read, listen to music or just be with friends.

I came here to improve my English but I also hope to make many friends from all over the world. I really look forward on getting to know my classmates and I hope this small post helped you to know me!