Prose (Parts 1 & 2)

While reading “All Quiet On The Western Front” and WWI prose, I think that my favourite is All Quiet On The Western Front, because I find that the story is easier to understand more than WWI prose. I think that it is easier to understand because there is a plot in the All Quiet On The Western Front and WWI prose was journal entries and small writing pieces from soldiers in the war which used language that they used back then but that we don’t use now. I also found that All Quiet On The Western Front is a very well written story and it is a very realistic story with language that people now will understand though it was a little shocking to me how the story ended. Also throughout the book it had me thinking about a lot of different things such as “if Paul dies in the end how did they write this story?” “is this really what happened back then or is it just a story?” ” why did guys want to volunteer to go to war at such a young age and pretend to be old enough for war?” stuff like that I was thinking about. Overall I enjoyed reading both pieces because it is interesting to see how All Quiet On The Western Front is similar to WWI Prose and how they are not similar also it is very interesting learning about the war and the past.


My personal writing is gonna be about the top 3 places I would like to travel to and why. The first place I would like to travel to is Paris. I have always wanted to go to Paris since I started becoming really good in French. I have always wanted to go see the tower especially at night which is a reason I would like to go I want the other reasons are because Paris is really beautiful and they have really good pastries that I have always wanted to try. The second place I would like to travel to is Hawaii, and specifically Maui. I have been to Maui 2 times but each time I have always loved it, there is lots of activities and it is very beautiful my favourite part is watching the sunset and its even better because its right on the beach. Lastly I would like to travel to Spain, I would like to travel to Spain because I have seen lots of photos and heard a lot of good things about it and it sounds really amazing I would really like to see the castle building in the Barcelona.

Olivia’s Introduction

Hi my name is Olivia McIntosh and this is my second year at Brookes Westshore. I am 15 years old, and I enjoy reading, volleyball, Jujitsju, painting and lastly I like spending time with my family. I live somewhat close to the school so I don’t have to drive very far to come to the school. Since I have been attending Brookes Westshore I have enjoyed it a lot. My favourite part of the school is the experiences you get by getting to know new people from around the world. Last year the school planned a 2 week trip to the UK, which in my opinion was very fun, we got to visit London and the small towns and attend the Brookes School in the UK. Im very eager to learn and try new things. I live here in Victoria, BC with my younger brother, Evan, who is in grade 8 and mom and dad. Most of my extended family from both my mom and dad side live in the Vancouver area. Over the summer break or other breaks we try to visit them. I love to travel, and hope to travel quite a bit when I am older. Every year for Christmas my family and I try travel to some where tropical which I always enjoy. Another thing about me is that I have a job working for my mom and her business, on the weekends from 10am to 3pm I create gift boxes for my moms clients and send them out. Also this summer I have been tasked with writing 800 Christmas cards and sending them out to my moms clients. I hope this post gave you a little bit of information to my life, and I hope to learn more about you all as well.