Brave New World by Aldous Huxley got me feeling a little bit of discomfort but it also got me thinking about the modern path of society. This society is Huxleys vision of a extremely controlled, technologically higher world where the elimination of individuality instead of group unity is both unsettling and strange. This novel made me think and reflect on ways which our own world and society relies on technology to control and make our lives, from using social media platforms to using AI to do our work for us, and how these inventions could impact the real connections and values from a true person.
The differences between Benard, Lenina, and Johns personalities fascinated me. The fact that in the novel Benard felt lonely in a town and society where everyone is supposed and expected to fit in made me think of how many of us in different way these days most of the time feel that we don’t fit in with what and how the society expects. Lenina stands for the risks of seeking happiness without thinking or emotional detail. Her life is consistently pleasant although it is quite obvious that she doesnt feel fulfilled with her life. John although his exposure to a higher “natural” life is destroyed by the society he becomes apart of. Johns situation seemed to be example of the impossible issue between independence and social pressure.
Huxleys study of how learning and technology potentially could influence some human behaviour was very confusing. There are some worries about the trade off between freedom and happiness because of the way that the government uses soma to keep all the people full of happiness and to remain calm while preventing them from ever having and experiencing a genuine sad emotion. it made me question wether if we actually live in a better society where effectiveness and comfort are are valued more than personal freedom and emotional detail.
Overall, Brave New World is a cautionary story emphasizing the risks of disregarding independence, critical thinking, and personal independence, instead of social peace and temporary happiness. Although I thought this book was good I think that it is not something I would read on my own because it is not the type of style of reading I like but I would recommend this book to those who are interested in science and books about mystery.