IRJE#1 The inheritance games

The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes is the first book of a trilogy series. In this book Avery Kylie Grambs a 17 year old High school student that was extremely poor. From living her life as a no one she was unexpectedly shoved into the spot light as the heiress of billionaire Tobias Hawthorne a man she never met. Before the Hawthorne fortune and mysteries that came with it, Avery was living a modest, overlooked life trying to keep low profile. But when Tobias Hawthorne left her his entire fortune everything changed in her life. She’s constantly in the spotlight of people who wants answers, why her? A total stranger to the Hawthorne family, who had been disinherited by Tobias Hawthorne after his death, the inheritance was tied with riddles upon riddles, danger and mysteries.

I had spent so much of my life trying to blend in, to go unnoticed, to avoid the kind of attention that could make me vulnerable. But now, in this world, blending in wasn’t an option. I was someone. I had to be someone. And for the first time, I had to figure out who that someone was.

Avery knows she have to grow up to handle the responsibilities and challenges she will encounter in the world of wealth, mysteries and danger. With this Averys character grows to adapt into her new reality, she realizes she has to be careful with the spotlight on her and living in a house full of a resentful family.

WW1 readings

The readings from All Quiet on the Western Front and the excerpts by Herbert, Chevallier, Barthas, and West show how hard World War 1 was for everyone.

In All Quiet in the western front, Erich Maria Remarque tells the story of Paul Baumer a German soldier. He his friends and comrades always lived in fear, sadness, and danger in the trenches where they would stay during the war. The war maked them feel lost to the point where they disconnected from their old lives. They didn’t feel like heroes because of fighting in the war, they just want to survive. The novel shows how war changes people, making them only want to survive.

The other readings give us similar information and scenarios of the war. Louis Barthas, French soldier, tells us how dirty, exhausting, and scary life in the trenches was every day. George Herbert and Gabriel Chevallier talk about how pointless the fighting felt and how war broke people.

The soldiers suffered from the fighting  the hunger, cold, dirt, and poor living conditions. George Herbert and Gabriel Chevallier also describe how the war felt pointless and how it broke the spirit of the one who fought on it.

About me

Hello everyone my name is Barbara, I come from Mexico, I was born in the us. I’m very exited to here and learn a lot in this class. I Have 2 siblings 1 older sister and 1 little brother, I also have two cats. My favorite colors are red and blue, I like to read, hangout with friends, cook, and watch tv shows, I like flowers and I love animals.