A Brave New World

Aldous Huxley book, Brave New World, left me with mixed feelings; it was both interesting and uncomfortable. It’s one of the books that stays in your mind because it asks big questions about being yourself, having freedom, and what we give up to make life easier.

One of the most interesting parts of the story is how people are trained. They have been socialized to accept their lives and therefore, for the most part, do not even know that they have lost their freedom. It made me reflect on how our world influences us: ads, schools, and traditions mold the way we think and what we want. Huxley’s world is extreme in a way, yet close to reality somehow.

The other thing that caught my attention is how they used to teach the kids moral values through hypnopedia.  I belive this wouldn’t have worked in real life because these running nurses would have eventually found out that all those values taught are not real. They may have even questioned the system themselves and lost faith in it if they saw kids being programmed instead of learning naturally.

I also felt sorry for John, the “Savage.” He wants a life with deeper meaning, but in the end, he feels hopeless. His story shows that people need challenges and purpose to feel alive. A life with no problems might seem nice, but it can feel empty. This reminded me of times when I’ve grown the most by facing hard things instead of avoiding them.

Eventually, Brave New World taught me to appreciate those aspects of real life-that were imperfect and disorderly. The world in this novel is frightening because it does not seem impossible. It was a call for the preservation of our freedom to think and feel and decide-even to decide things which are not easy. This book doesn’t ask only “What if?” but “Is it worth it?” and gives food for finding your own answer.

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