The Litigators, by John Grisham. This book is a legal thriller that focuses on 31-year-old David Zinc, a lawyer at a high-stress corporate job who quits his job for employment at a small, dubious law firm called Finley & Figg in Chicago. The book is based around a large class-action lawsuit against Varrick Labs who has developed a cholesterol-reducing drug. However, with further research into the drug, it became known that it was a propellant for heart-attacks in individuals who may take the drug.
“As promised, my mother awakened me at 6:00 a.m. so I could watch the early morning New York news programs. I was hoping for a glimpse of Joe Castle. Channel 4 did a quick rundown on the National League games. The Mets had won in Atlanta to put them two games over .500.” (p. 487)
In this quotation, this shows the near end to the book. There is sort of a blend of resolution, but also some questions.
As the end of the story nears, the firm led by Oscar Finley and his partner Wally Figg are able to secure a settlement in the lawsuit against Varrick Labs regarding Krayoxx. This results in significant financial gain for them, as well as for the clients involved in this case. The future for Oscar and Wally is starting to look brighter, and the two characters are starting to recognize the value of hard work and integrity, despite the focus that the two had on previous cases that they looked into. While the characters have grown and changed, there’s also a type of sense that the two are still attempting to navigate their own dilemmas. However, the main plot line has essentially concluded. The quotation presented essentially showcases how Wally is starting to slow down, and take a breath.