I recently watched the 1960s Romeo and Juliet movie, and while I knew the basic plot: two young lovers from rival families. From my point of view Romeo’s and Juliet’s love is not real. It felt more like they were raised to hate each other without even knowing why. They are never really explained why the rivalry exists, it’s just kind of accepted because their families have been fighting for years. So when Romeo and Juliet fall for each other, it doesn’t seem like a deep, meaningful connection, it feels more like a crush and not true love.
From my point of view they’re just two confused kids who don’t know how to process their feelings, and they just end up acting on impulse. They fall for each other because they’re young and unable to contain their passion, but neither of them truly understands what real commitment is.
When it comes to the adult characters, it feels like they are immature. The rivalry between the families seems pointless, especially because it harms more people than it should. Instead of protecting their children, their actions lead to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. In summary it’s a story of poor decisions and many events that could have been avoided.