IRJE#6 – Uprooted by Naomi Novik.

In Uprooted, Naomi Novik tells a story of magic, danger, and personal growth that centers on the story of protagonist Agnieszka, the one chosen to serve the powerful wizard known as the “Dragon.” In a world threatened by an evil, corrupting force called the “Forest,” Agnieszka first takes on the role of the Dragon’s apprentice. She must come to terms with her own powers, as well as the mysteries of the Forest. The following passage comes at a pivotal moment when Agnieszka realizes the weight of the task at hand and the bond she is beginning to form with magic.

 “But it wasn’t magic that chose me. It was the Forest, and it would never let me go.” (p. 327)

What makes this quotation significant to me is how it reveals Agnieszka’s internal struggle that she is no longer simply the protagonist of her own story, she is now enmeshed in a larger narrative in which she must learn to wield her own power and confront the forces of the Forest. This quote encapsulates the central theme of Uprooted, which is the struggle between personal agency and larger forces. It highlights Agnieszka’s sense of responsibility and the gravity of the world. The idea that magic is not just a tool but a force that shapes destiny adds complexity to the novel’s exploration of power, destiny, and choice.

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