Okay, Hear me out. I just realized how awesome and interesting Harley Quinn as a character truly is. I used to think that Harley was just an insane psychotic villain especially because of her laugh. Then, I realized that I cannot say anything about her laugh because I probably look insane myself with my laugh. Also looking at her character from a psychological or cognitive way is actually quite fascinating. Literally no one is like her or can even close to her character! First of all, she went to medical school; became a psychiatrist; worked in an asylum; FELL IN LOVE WITH HER PATIENT (Joker); BREAK THAT PATIENT OUT OF THE ASYLUM SHE’S WORKING IN; began a life of crime; got arrested by BATMAN; went to jail; got out of jail with a freaking BOMB ON HER NECK; saved the world; go back to jail; get out of jail BEFORE BREAKING UP WITH THE MADMAN (Joker); and lastly, going out on her own. LIKE SHE IS INSANE! INSANELY AWESOME! If you watched it you know exactly where I got that previous dialogue from. You ca hate her, but you have to admit that her lore goes crazy. I know the Suicide Squad is a pretty hated movie and I can honestly see why, but her character in general is just incredible. I still think that it’s so insane how far she went for love especially thinking about how that was literally her patient at a certain place in time, and the Joker didn’t even care about her in the first place. He was just using her. Which makes total sense because that’s exactly how his character is supposed to be perceived. He never wanted Harley in the first place, he only wanted Batman. I don’t know where I randomly started thinking about Harley, but I kind of want to watch some of the movies now or the animated series. If anyone’s got any recommendations just let me know!

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