I thought the book Brave New World by Aldous Huxley was an interesting book and I had never read a utopia/dystopia before. It makes me think about whether the world Huxley describes will be our future and what the positives and negatives about that could be. I personally think that I would not want to be in a world where nothing bad ever happens and where people can not express their feelings how they should be expressed. Just like John, I would want real danger, and books, and other suppressed items. Brave New World is like the quintessence of perfect, but I do not agree with the system. Children in the book are taught to hate books and nature by hypnopaedia and infant conditioning meaning that they will never (not like get a choice though) learn about the past. I did not like that the females in the book were being treated as if they were objects which makes me think that their world is not advancing in that way, but degrading. The Savage, as John is called in the book, also holds some rudeness since he does things that the new society disapproves of, such as reading, which seems absurd. For being someone different, you are considered a weirdo or as Huxley puts it, a savage. I think the World State seems to be built upon lies but it is unclear what the lies and truths are. I think Huxley makes us sympathise with some character, such as John, but not with others. He writes about John in an empathetic way in a way we can understand because John is most like us which allows readers to understand him better than the other characters. The last few chapters in the book were focused on John living by himself and trying to become a better person again, but unfortunately people from the World State find him and bother and tease John to the extent that he lynched himself. These last couple chapters built more empathy towards John for the readers because we got to know him better, even though he was committing self-harm during the process.
Overall, Brave New World was an interesting book about a future society that I do not agree with, and I found parts of the book that I was not comfortable reading about which I think should not be mandatory to read in school.