Reflection on the 2 Texts

Personally I believe that the first text demonstrates a good idea for the future; In the text “The Moral Equivalent of War” we are proposed an idea that men should be conscripted to do service and labour; This is not a bad idea, as this will only benefit our society; we may see great change in construction and corruption today. This however, might change as the leaders may use them as a labour force, and disputes/wars may happen over this as well. From a limited point of view, this idea is not terrible and may work if we remain at peace with one another.

In the second text, “Can Real Men Live in a Peaceful Society”, we are proposed an idea of a world where the real “Tuff” men are too violent/aggressive to the other people, hence they present us to Castration. This is not a bad thing necessarily, however, there will always be the other perspective; People that are ill or may not comprehend what they are doing may be wrongfully accused of terrible actions and may be castrated. You furthermore realise that this is a negative idea when you start to understand that people plan to use drugs. The “calmness” and “slowness” from this drug may lead to unintelligent decisions and cause a lot of trouble in the modern society.

Overall, I believe these texts made me realise how vulnerable society is, and how people may be redirected today. Despite the texts being centred on the 20th century, I can still see their concern and support some of these ideas.

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