The view of the war – WW1 Literature

After reading and reflecting about the events that occurred in world war 1 in the book All Quiet on the Western Front, and in the exerts WW1 Prose 1 and Prose 2 that were written by the view of people that were present on the events of the war and can describe the horrible situations that they passed with accuracy. In my thought the world war was a complete massacre caused by the bad politicians that prolonged it self because of the technological and strategical advance and that the civilians knew the what the was turning and the hell that it was there, but as I read the book I discovered and realized that the war was deeper than that one example of it was my reaction after reading the chapter of all quiet on the western front were the parents of Paul kept asking how was the war like and what situations they passed there.

Another thing that got me thinking was the part of the of the Prose that shows the struggles of the war and how difficult the living at the trenches, one example could be a part that Barthas wrote saying all the effort that his team took to build a shelter to protect their self from the rain in the trenches, and adding to that the temperature goes down making them freeze along side with water in the trenches.

After reading the book and the proses I realized how bad the situations were at the war times and that people had no idea of when the war was going to end, the civilians had no idea of how the war was and many more bad things were happening at war times, that makes me fear a next incoming war in the future.

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