PW #1 – Arizona Part 1

The moment we stepped outside it felt like a blowdryer. The temperature at the time was around 45 degrees Celsius. Arizona reminded me of the wild west from those cowboy movies, Although we were in the heart of the city, there was nearly no grass that could be seen. Where grass would be in Canada, there were rocks in Arizona. We decided to take the sky train over to the parking lot where we would rent our car. While we were finding the car that we rented; I felt like I was going to die from the heat. And to make matters worse, the car we rented was a ford, and the dashboard was extremely confusing for my mom; who said it was like a space ship. Along the drive to our hotel, we could see cacti sitting all across the sandy hills which streched on for what seemed like miles. After some time we eventually got to our hotel, which had an old desert architecture look to it. The architecture was beautiful, The buildings were very square, and the windows had distinct arch shapes to them. There were tall palm trees standing all around the resort. Later during the day, my friend came over to see me. At first we went to the pool and chilled out a little bit. After this we went inside an played some games. I had my slides resting on the side of the pool; and I genuinely expected the heat to melt them, but to my relief they didn’t. It was around 6:00 or later from what I remember. When we went inside we had some of the pizza from the hotel, which was delicious. The first day was pretty fun overall; besides the travelling. The thing about the heat in Arizona is the fact that you don’t need to use a clothes dryer and you can just hang your clothes out in the heat and they will dry in an hour or less.

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